What is Docker?
Docker is a conatainer management tools .One of the great things about open source is that you have choice in what technology you use to accomplish a task. The Docker engine can be useful for lone developers who need a lightweight, clean environment for testing, but without a need for complex orchestration. If Docker is available on your system and everyone around you is familiar with the Docker toolchain, then Docker Community Edition (docker-ce) is a great way to get started with containers.

History of Docker ?
Docker is a container runtime. A lot of people think that Docker was the first of its kind, but this is not true – Linux containers have existed since the 1970s.
Why use Docker ?
One of the great things about open source is that you have choice in what technology you use to accomplish a task. The Docker engine is ideal for lone engineers that need a lightweight, clean testing environment but don’t require substantial orchestration. Docker is built on a client-server model. The Docker client communicates with the Docker daemon, which handles your Docker containers’ construction, execution, and distribution. The Docker host provides a complete environment where applications can be executed and run. The Docker daemon includes images, containers, networks, and storage.

What are containers?
Simply put, a container is a sandboxed process on your machine that is isolated from all other processes on the host machine. Containers, or Linux Containers, are a technology that allows us to isolate certain kernel processes and trick them into thinking they’re the only ones running in a completely new computer.

What is Images adn use in Docker ?
In Docker, images are a key component of the platform. An image in Docker is a lightweight, standalone, and executable package that includes everything needed to run a piece of software, including the code, runtime environment, libraries, and system tools. It serves as a template for creating containers, which are the running instances of images. Once an image is built, it can be stored and distributed in a Docker registry, such as Docker Hub or a private registry.
How Does Docker Work?
Docker packages an application and all its dependencies in a virtual container that can run on any Linux server. This is why we call them containers. Because they have all the necessary dependencies contained in a single piece of software.
Docker is composed of the following elements:
- a Daemon, which is used to build, run, and manage the containers
- a high-level API which allows the user to communicate with the Daemon,
- and a CLI, the interface we use to make this all available.
What are the resources required to run any apps?

Thanks for reading 🙏