List of Popular Guest Websites and Link Buildings For SEO

Link building is a crucial aspect of search engine optimization (SEO) and digital marketing. It refers to the process of acquiring hyperlinks (or simply, links) from other websites to your own website. These hyperlinks, or backlinks, play a significant role in how search engines like Google determine the ranking and authority of a website in search results.

Here are some key points to understand about link building:

  1. Search Engine Ranking: Search engines use complex algorithms to determine the relevance and authority of web pages. Backlinks are one of the factors used to assess a website’s authority. Generally, websites with more high-quality, relevant, and authoritative backlinks tend to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs).
  1. Types of Links: There are various types of links, including:
    • Natural Links: These are links that other websites provide to your content because they find it valuable and relevant. Natural links are considered the most valuable in SEO.
    • Manual or Outreach Links: These links are acquired through deliberate efforts, such as reaching out to other website owners or bloggers and requesting a link.
    • Editorial Links: When a website or blog naturally links to your content as a source of information or reference, it’s considered an editorial link.
  1. Quality Over Quantity: In link building, the quality of the backlinks is more important than the quantity. A single high-quality, relevant backlink from a reputable website can have a more significant impact than multiple low-quality links.
  2. Relevance: Links from websites that are relevant to your industry or content are more valuable. For example, if you run a technology blog, a backlink from a technology-related website is more valuable than one from an unrelated source.
  3. Authority: Websites with higher domain authority (a measure of a site’s overall strength) can pass more authority to the sites they link to. Getting links from authoritative websites can boost your own site’s authority.
  1. Ethical Practices: It’s essential to engage in ethical and white-hat link building practices. Avoid spammy tactics like buying links or engaging in link farms, as these can result in penalties from search engines.
  2. Content Quality: High-quality, informative, and engaging content is more likely to attract natural backlinks. Creating valuable content that others want to link to is a foundational aspect of effective link building.
  3. Diversity of Sources: Diversifying your sources of backlinks can help create a more robust link profile. Getting links from a variety of reputable websites is preferable to relying on a single source.

How to do Link Building ?

Link building is a vital part of search engine optimization (SEO) and involves acquiring high-quality backlinks to your website from other reputable websites. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do link building effectively:

  1. Understand Your Audience and Goals:
    • Identify your target audience and their interests.
    • Define your link building goals, such as improving search engine rankings, increasing website traffic, or building brand authority.
  2. Create High-Quality Content:
    • Develop informative, valuable, and engaging content that addresses the needs and interests of your target audience.
    • Content can include blog posts, articles, infographics, videos, and more.
  1. On-Page SEO Optimization:
    • Ensure that your website is well-optimized for search engines, including proper keyword usage, meta tags, and site structure.
  2. Identify Linkable Assets:
    • Determine which pieces of your content are most link-worthy. These could be comprehensive guides, in-depth research, unique data, or visually appealing infographics.
  1. Competitor Research:
    • Analyze your competitors’ backlink profiles to identify potential link-building opportunities.
    • Tools like Ahrefs, Moz, and SEMrush can help with competitive analysis.
  1. Outreach and Relationship Building:
    • Reach out to relevant websites, bloggers, and influencers in your industry.
    • Personalize your outreach emails and establish a genuine connection with potential link partners.
    • Express your interest in collaborating or providing value to their audience.
  2. Guest Blogging:
    • Contribute high-quality guest posts to reputable websites in your niche.
    • Include a link back to your website within the guest post’s content or author bio.
  3. Broken Link Building:
    • Find broken links on other websites related to your content.
    • Offer to replace those broken links with links to your relevant content.
  4. Content Promotion:
    • Share your content on social media, forums, and other platforms.
    • Leverage your existing network to amplify your content’s reach.
  5. Local SEO and Directories:
    • Ensure your website is listed on local directories, especially if you have a local business.
    • High-quality local directories can provide valuable backlinks.
  6. Create Linkable Assets:
    • Develop resources, such as industry reports, tools, or templates, that other websites would want to link to.
    • Promote these assets to your target audience and relevant websites.
  7. Resource Pages and Roundups:
    • Search for resource pages and content roundups in your niche.
    • Reach out to the page owners and suggest your content as a valuable addition.
  8. Monitor and Analyze:
    • Keep track of your link-building efforts using tools like Google Analytics and SEO software.
    • Analyze the impact of your backlinks on your website’s rankings and traffic.

Benefits for Link Building

There are many benefits os

  1. Improved Search Engine Rankings: High-quality backlinks from reputable websites are a strong signal to search engines that your site is valuable and authoritative. As a result, your website is more likely to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs) for relevant keywords.
  1. Increased Organic Traffic: Higher search engine rankings lead to more organic traffic. When your website appears on the first page of search results, you’re more likely to attract clicks from users actively searching for information or products related to your content.
  1. Enhanced Website Authority: Backlinks from authoritative websites contribute to your website’s authority in your industry or niche. A strong backlink profile can establish your website as a trusted source of information.
  2. Brand Visibility and Credibility: Earning backlinks from reputable websites and being featured in authoritative content can increase your brand’s visibility and credibility. Users are more likely to trust and engage with websites that are mentioned or linked to by respected sources.
  1. Referral Traffic: Backlinks not only help with SEO but also drive direct referral traffic. When users click on a link to your site from another site, they become potential customers or readers.
  2. Networking and Relationship Building: The process of acquiring backlinks often involves building relationships with other website owners, bloggers, and influencers in your industry. These connections can lead to collaboration opportunities and mutual support.
  3. Diversified Traffic Sources: Relying solely on one traffic source can be risky. By diversifying your traffic sources through link building, you’re less vulnerable to changes in search engine algorithms or other disruptions.
  4. Long-Term Benefits: High-quality backlinks can continue to benefit your website over the long term. Unlike some other digital marketing tactics, the effects of successful link building can persist for years.

Top Free Websites for Link Building

here’s a brief paragraph for each of the 38 websites known for both free link building and free guest posting:

  1. DevOps School ( DevOps School provides a dual opportunity for link building and free guest posting. Writers can contribute articles on DevOps practices and gain backlinks while engaging with a community of tech enthusiasts.
  2. SCM Galaxy ( SCM Galaxy offers a platform for free link building and guest posting related to software configuration management. Contributors can share insights and gain backlinks within the SCM and DevOps community.
  3. Best DevOps ( Best DevOps invites writers for free link building and guest posting on the best practices in DevOps. Contributors can explore CI/CD pipelines, cloud technologies, and gain backlinks from a relevant audience.
  4. Gurukul Galaxy ( Gurukul Galaxy offers educators the chance for free link building and guest posting. Writers can contribute articles on educational topics and innovative teaching methods while earning backlinks.
  5. AI Universe ( AI Universe provides a platform for free link building and guest posting focused on artificial intelligence and machine learning. Writers can share insights, engage with a tech audience, and earn backlinks.
  6. DevOps Consulting ( DevOps Consulting offers opportunities for both free link building and guest posting in the DevOps field. Writers can contribute articles on implementation, collaboration, and earn backlinks within the tech community.
  7. DevOps Freelancer ( DevOps Freelancer welcomes freelancers for free link building and guest posting. Writers can share freelancing experiences, gain backlinks, and connect with professionals in the tech industry.
  8. DevOps Trainer ( DevOps Trainer provides a platform for free link building and guest posting for trainers in the DevOps domain. Writers can share insights on training methodologies, gain backlinks, and connect with educators.
  9. Free eBooks ( Free eBooks offers free link building and guest posting opportunities for writers contributing valuable resources. Authors can share ebooks on various subjects, gain backlinks, and reach a wider audience.
  10. The DataOps Organization ( The DataOps Organization offers a platform for free link building and guest posting related to data operations. Contributors can share insights, gain backlinks, and engage with a data-focused community.
  11. Gyan School ( Gyan School welcomes writers for both free link building and guest posting across diverse topics. Contributors can share expertise, engage with curious readers, and earn backlinks.
  12. Debug School ( Debug School focuses on programming and software development, offering free link building and guest posting opportunities. Writers can share insights, gain backlinks, and engage with the developer community.
  13. Holiday Landmark ( Holiday Landmark invites travel enthusiasts for free link building and guest posting. Contributors can share travel experiences, recommendations, gain backlinks, and connect with fellow travelers.
  14. Bangalore Orbit ( Bangalore Orbit provides opportunities for both free link building and guest posting focused on the city of Bangalore. Writers can engage with local content, gain backlinks, and connect with an interested audience.
  15. Mera Apna Bihar ( Mera Apna Bihar offers a platform for both free link building and guest posting, showcasing the beauty and stories of Bihar. Writers can share insights, earn backlinks, and connect with Bihar enthusiasts.
  16. Gujarat Orbit ( Gujarat Orbit encourages both free link building and guest posting, celebrating the essence of Gujarat. Contributors can engage with local content, gain backlinks, and connect with a Gujarat-focused audience.
  17. Mumbai Orbit ( Mumbai Orbit is a platform for free link building and guest posting related to the vibrant city of Mumbai. Writers can contribute local insights, gain backlinks, and connect with a Mumbai-focused audience.
  18. Kerala Orbit ( Kerala Orbit offers opportunities for both free link building and guest posting, celebrating the beauty and traditions of Kerala. Writers can share insights, engage with local content, and gain backlinks.
  19. Bhopal Orbit ( Bhopal Orbit provides dual opportunities for free link building and guest posting focused on the city of Bhopal. Contributors can engage with local content, share insights, and gain backlinks.
  20. Chennai Orbit ( Chennai Orbit invites writers for both free link building and guest posting, celebrating the city of Chennai. Contributors can share insights, engage with local content, and gain backlinks.
  21. Surgery Planet ( Surgery Planet provides opportunities for both free link building and guest posting related to medical procedures and treatments. Contributors can share insights, gain backlinks, and engage with a medical community.
  22. My Hospital Now ( My Hospital Now offers dual opportunities for free link building and guest posting in the medical field. Writers can contribute insights on hospitals, healthcare technologies, gain backlinks, and connect with healthcare professionals.
  23. My Medic Plus ( My Medic Plus welcomes writers for both free link building and guest posting, providing informative content about medical topics and healthcare. Contributors can engage with a healthcare audience, gain backlinks, and share valuable insights.
  24. Best Cardiac Hospitals ( Best Cardiac Hospitals focuses on both free link building and guest posting in the cardiac health field. Writers can share insights, gain backlinks, and connect with a medical audience interested in heart health.
  25. Best Cosmetic Hospitals ( Best Cosmetic Hospitals offers opportunities for free link building and guest posting in the realm of cosmetic procedures. Contributors can share insights, gain backlinks, and connect with an audience interested in cosmetic treatments.
  26. Best Dental Hospitals ( Best Dental Hospitals provides a platform for both free link building and guest posting in dental health. Writers can share insights, gain backlinks, and connect with an audience interested in oral health.
  27. Best Eye Hospitals ( Best Eye Hospitals offers dual opportunities for free link building and guest posting focused on eye health and vision care. Contributors can share insights, gain backlinks, and connect with an eye care audience.
  28. Best Heart Surgery ( Best Heart Surgery focuses on both free link building and guest posting in the realm of heart surgery and cardiovascular health. Writers can share insights, gain backlinks, and connect with a medical audience.
  29. Best Spine Hospitals ( Best Spine Hospitals provides a platform for both free link building and guest posting in spine health and treatment. Writers can share insights, gain backlinks, and engage with a medical community.
  30. Cancers Hospitals ( Cancers Hospitals offers opportunities for both free link building and guest posting, discussing various aspects of cancer care and treatment. Contributors can share insights, gain backlinks, and engage with a medical community.
  31. Cancers Hospitals ( Cancers Hospitals welcomes writers for both free link building and guest posting in the realm of cancer care and treatment. Contributors can share insights, gain backlinks, and engage with a medical community.
  32. Knee Hospitals ( Knee Hospitals offers dual opportunities for free link building and guest posting related to knee health and treatment. Writers can share insights, gain backlinks, and connect with a medical audience.
  33. ProfessNow ( ProfessNow provides a dual opportunity for both free link building and guest posting. Contributors can share expertise, insights, career advice, and gain backlinks while engaging with professionals.
  34. Wakil Sahab ( Wakil Sahab welcomes legal professionals for both free link building and guest posting. Writers can share legal insights, advice, and gain backlinks while connecting with a legal-minded audience.
  35. Wizbrand ( Wizbrand offers opportunities for free link building and guest posting focused on branding and marketing strategies. Writers can share insights, creative campaigns, and gain backlinks within the marketing community.
  36. CMS Galaxy ( CMS Galaxy caters to content management and offers opportunities for both free link building and guest posting. Contributors can share insights, CMS expertise, web development tips, and gain backlinks.
  37. iReviewed ( iReviewed provides dual opportunities for both free link building and guest posting in the realm of reviews and recommendations. Writers can share insights, experiences, and gain backlinks within a consumer-focused audience.
  38. Stocks Mantra ( Stocks Mantra provides opportunities for free link building and guest posting focused on stock market trends and investments. Writers can share financial insights, market analysis, tips, and gain backlinks within the financial community.

What is Guest Posting ?

Guest posting, also known as guest blogging, is a content marketing strategy in which individuals or businesses create and publish articles or blog posts on websites or blogs that belong to other people or organizations. The primary purpose of guest posting is to reach a broader audience, establish authority in a particular niche or industry, and build backlinks to one’s own website. Here are the key components and advantages of guest posting:

What is the advantage of Guest Posting

Advantages for Guest Authors:

  1. Increased Exposure: Guest posting allows you to reach a new and potentially larger audience. By contributing to established websites, you can tap into the existing readership of those sites.
  2. Establishing Authority: Writing high-quality content for authoritative websites in your niche helps establish you as an expert or thought leader in your field. It enhances your credibility and reputation.
  3. Building Backlinks: Many guest posts include the opportunity to include one or more links back to your own website. These backlinks can improve your website’s search engine rankings and domain authority.
  4. Networking: Guest posting facilitates relationships with other bloggers, website owners, and influencers in your industry. These connections can lead to collaboration opportunities, such as partnerships, joint ventures, or co-authored content.
  5. Content Diversification: Guest posting allows you to diversify your content and reach different audiences with unique perspectives or topics related to your niche.
  6. Content Promotion: Host websites typically promote guest posts to their own audience, giving your content additional exposure and potentially driving traffic to your website.
  7. Personal Branding: Guest posting enables you to build and promote your personal brand, showcasing your expertise and knowledge in your industry.
  8. Learning Opportunities: Writing for different websites can help you refine your writing and communication skills. You can learn from the editorial guidelines and preferences of various publications.
  9. Content Portfolio: Over time, guest posts contribute to a diverse portfolio of published content, which can be valuable for showcasing your expertise to potential clients or employers.

How Guest Posting is Beneficial?

Guest posting, when done effectively, offers several benefits for both the guest author and the host website. Here are some of the key advantages of guest posting:

Benefits for Guest Authors:

  1. Increased Exposure: Guest posting allows you to reach a broader and potentially larger audience than your own blog or website. It introduces your content to a new group of readers who may become interested in your expertise.
  2. Establishing Authority: Writing for reputable websites in your niche or industry helps you build authority and credibility. Being featured as a guest author on respected platforms enhances your reputation as an expert in your field.
  3. Building Backlinks: Many guest posts include the opportunity to include one or more backlinks to your own website or relevant online profiles. These backlinks can improve your website’s search engine rankings and domain authority.
  4. Networking: Guest posting often involves building relationships with other bloggers, website owners, and influencers in your industry. These connections can lead to future collaborations, partnerships, or opportunities.
  5. Content Diversification: Guest posting allows you to diversify your content and reach different audiences with unique perspectives or topics related to your niche. It prevents your content from becoming repetitive.
  6. Personal Branding: Writing valuable guest posts helps you establish and promote your personal brand. It showcases your expertise, knowledge, and unique perspective to a broader audience.
Hi I am Amit Kumar Thakur Experienced as s Software Developer with a demonstrated history of working in the information technology and services industry. Skilled in HTML, CSS, Bootstrap4, PHP, Laravel-9 , REST API,FB API,Google API, Youtube Api, Bitbucket,Github,Linux and jQuery. Strong engineering professional focused in Computer/Information Technology Administration and Management. Currently my profile is to Software Developer, analyze the requirement, creating frame for web application, coding and maintenance.

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